OKKO GROUP - Official Website
OKKO GROUP - Official Website

Concern Khlibprom is implementing a new veteran-centered project “Finally at Home”!

Concern Khlibprom is implementing a new veteran-centered project “Finally at Home”!
Mar 27, 2024

Concern Khlibprom has developed and is implementing an integrated internal training and consultation program called “Finally at Home” to reintegrate veterans into the work environment to create a comfortable veteran-centered environment that includes all employees of the Company and the veterans themselves.

This program is systemic and long-term, based on an individual approach and the development of skills in environmentally friendly, non-traumatic communication with veterans, and ultimately aims to transform the Company's corporate culture. The trainings and consultations of the “Finally at Home” program will be conducted for employees by psychologists of Concern Khlibprom, who also provide psychological support to the Company's team.

“Finally at Home” is an important stage in the corporate philosophy of Concern Khlibprom and makes foundation for the implementation of the idea of veteran-centricity both within the Company and in society.

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