OKKO GROUP - Official Website
OKKO GROUP - Official Website

Concern Khlibprom continues to implement the strategy of veteran centricity in all areas of its operation and in the development of society

Concern Khlibprom continues to implement the strategy of veteran centricity in all areas of its operation and in the development of society
Feb 23, 2024

The basis of such activities has already become the constant support of our defenders and mobilized employees, cooperation with the Unbroken Rehabilitation Center, Lviv city authorities and other employers to implement crucial initiatives in the field of veterans’ employment.

As a continuation of our strategy, we signed a memorandum of cooperation within the project “Employ a Veteran” with the Sykhiv District territorial centers for recruitment and social support of Lviv.

The main goal of this cooperation is to employ veterans, demobilized and deregistered persons liable for military service, and to ensure their comfortable return to work and life outside the frontline.

Concern Khlibprom is grateful to the defenders for their heroic contribution to our victory and is pleased to welcome them to our team.

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