OKKO GROUP - Official Website
OKKO GROUP - Official Website

UGEN rating 2023: Concern Khlibprom is the best employer

UGEN rating 2023: Concern Khlibprom is the best employer
Nov 7, 2023

According to the results of the all-Ukrainian rating by the HR brand agency UGEN for young people, Concern Khlibprom was named as the Best Employer in 2023 in the field of agriculture.

The company emphasized again its status as a successful and strong brand and responsible employer that provides career opportunities for its employees and is open to engaging students to develop and popularize Ukrainian entrepreneurship through participation in various projects and initiatives for young people.

The survey was conducted in August-September in 5 areas: IT, finance, audit, consulting, agriculture, FMCG/retail, and covered more than 130,000 respondents, including 49% of students and 51% of graduates, and aimed to identify the expectations and needs of young people for companies in the labor market.

WE are grateful for your trust and we believe that by developing talents of young people we are building the future of our country.

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