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OKKO GROUP - Official Website

Concern Khlibprom & Agrola and Lviv branch of Plast launched social project “Finally at home!”

Concern Khlibprom & Agrola and Lviv branch of Plast launched social project “Finally at home!”
May 22, 2024

Concern Khlibprom & Agrola is launching the educational project “Finally at Home” together with Lviv branch of Plast.  The current generation of patriotic youth involved in the project will spend two months learning how to interact with military veterans to ensure proper communication with defenders who are going to the front or returning home.

This new important social project combines methods developed by professional psychologists and Plast principles to implement a training program for youth interaction with veterans. The first stage of training for boys and girls of Lviv Plast stanitsa started on May 18, and there are 6 more series of steps for youngsters (children aged 11-18), based on a specially developed manual that is useful for educators in conducting future classes on this topic. We think globally, and aim to teach the correct behavior with veterans as many Plast members as possible and pass it on to families and society.

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